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Verus Engineering Dive Plane Kit, Single Elements - C8 Corvette

The Verus Engineering Single Dive Plane Kit for the Chevrolet C8 Corvette was specifically designed to increase front-end downforce while keeping drag increase to a minimum. The units work together to aid in extracting airflow from the wheel well, as well as produce downforce themselves on the front axle of the car.
These units were designed in CAD using Verus Engineering scan data and optimized using CFD analysis by Verus Engineering.
The Dive Planes are constructed from a 1.5mm thick pre-preg, autoclaved cured, 2x2 twill carbon, with a polished & high gloss finish.
Dive planes or Canards, allow you to shift the aero balance forward, possibly aiding you and your setup in balancing out a large wing, diffuser or aiding with front grip on the track.
*Works with the 5VM Front Lip*
2020 Chevrolet C8 Corvette
2021 Chevrolet C8 Corvette
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