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Speed Engineering 45 degree angled spark plug wires. We are proud to annouce our own line of quality spark plug wires produced by a large spark plug wire manufacture here in the U.S. These angled plug wires work great with all of our standard and swap headers. We have used several spark plug wires over the years, and are happy to say these are one of t59.99he best fitting wires, with the most clearance you will find on the market.
Note: Throughout the years GM Trucks & SUV's have used different part number coils and locations. Some require a longer 12" wire, and some use our shorter 10" wire.
Please verify which wire you have prior to ordering.
Features include:
- "Made in the USA"
- 45 Degree Angled Spark Plug Boots
- High Temp Heat Resistant
- Large 8.2MM 40-OHM Wires
- 8 Piece Set
- 4.8L, 5.3L, 5.7L, 6.0L, 6.2L Engines