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- Corvette C6 Z06 Style Widebody Conversion Package - Aftermarket/OEM Combo - *CUSTOM PAINTED* - Please Include Paint Color with Your Order
Starting Package Pricing Includes:
- (1) Front OEM GM C6 Z06 Bumper
- (2) C6 Z06 Style Fiberglass ACI Fenders - Aftermarket
- (2) C6 Z06 Style OEM Quarter Panels - Please Specify Coupe or Convertible with Your Order
- Kits do not include any of the Required Installation Parts - All Install Parts are Sold Separately
- Unpainted Kits are Listed Separately
- Please Allow Approximately (8 – 9) Weeks for shipment from ACI on any Unpainted Parts, Custom Painted Kits will require additional time from the 7-8 Weeks, as of 10/1/2021 – (25) Year Workmanship Warranty on our Painted Finish - Some orders may take longer depending on when we receive the Aftermarket Body Panels - Standard timeframe applies
- Choose From:
- *Driver Quality* Finish - (2) Layers of Clear Coat + Resand + Flow Coat - Minimal Buffing & Polishing Prior to Shipment - Less than 1 Hour Per Panel
- *Show Quality* Finish - Wet Sand, Buff and Polished - (Optional - Please Contact us for More Info - Minimum of (3) Hours Per Panel - Depending on Color)
- If purchasing a painted kit we highly recommend sending in your fuel door for our best available paint match to your Paint Variation
- Please note that we do NOT guarantee paint matches without having the vehicle present - Paint Blending is done at Additional Costs for Local Customers
- *Special Order Item* – NO RETURNS & NO CANCELLATIONS
- For A Full Conversion, this kit requires the purchase of our Installation Kits for the Front Bumper, Fenders & Quarter Panels which contain ALL Parts required for a complete install – Chin Spoiler, Fenders liners, ducts, grilles, clips, and all nuts & bolts
- Front Splitters, Rocker Panels and/or Spoilers are Sold Separately
- Shipping Charges will be billed when the order is boxed and ready to go based on your location and fuel costs, available shippers AT the time the shipment is ready to go
- *Custom Painted Items* - Do Not Apply anything but regular soap and water for 90 days - Clear Coat needs to fully cure in this timeframe
*Special Order Items*
- Misc Installation Parts may ship before painted or non painted panels, depending on the order specs
- All Parts Ship ASAP
- No Parts are in Stock
- Some parts are most likely on GM Backorder
- Misc Parts, install parts, etc, may be sourced as used. This takes times and is a process. It will take as long as it takes
- You may have to reuse existing bolts, etc from your vehicle to make this Conversion work due to GMs now limited and discontinued supply of OEM Parts
- Due to ever changing fuel costs, Shipping Charges for this item are billed separately based on Costs at the time/date of the shipment, your shipping location, and the actual size and weight of the shipment. The website will only calculate a flat rate of $9.99 which does not apply in full to this product